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Visit a trade fair then head to the water

The KD hotel ships offer rest and relaxation after a busy day at the trade fair
Planning a trade fair visit? Are all your appointments nailed down? But you haven’t had any luck finding a hotel room so far? Is everywhere booked up? No problem. We’ve prepared something for you. With its hotel ships, Köln-Düsseldorfer Deutsche Rheinschiffahrt GmbH (KD) offers exhibitors and trade fair guests an unusual alternative to the standard business hotels.

Leave stress on land

For many international trade fairs, for example in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt, the modern hotel ships are located very close to theexhibition centre. As luck would have it, KD has several of its own berths in these metropolises. “Guests can expect a special ambience on board the premium ships. This is a wonderful way to relax after a busy day at the trade fair. With a view of the water and a refreshing drink in your hand, you might even feel a little bit like you’re on holiday. Stress is simply left behind on land,” says Marion Trapp, KD Sales Manager for the Hotel Ships division.

This KD service has been around since 2018, so it is relatively new. But not entirely. Until around 20 years ago, the traditional company already had hotel ships for river cruises in its programme. When the group was reorganised in the year 2000, this branch was sold. “For the 2017 Climate Conference in Bonn, KD provided a large number of ships as hotel ships. This was supposed to be a one-time thing. Because of the extraordinarily positive response, we decided to revive this division,” Marion Trapp explains.

Floating hotels as advertising media

The floating KD hotels with a capacity of 50 to 100 comfortably furnished double rooms offer guests ideal conditions. The first-class restaurant and bars also leave nothing to be desired in a culinary regard. There are also other advantages for customers to enjoy. For example, they can benefit from the strong advertising impact offered by a ship: with banners, flags or light projections, the hotel ship can be transformed into an effective advertising medium. 

The hotel ships are river cruise ships that travel on numerous European rivers such as the Rhine and Elbe in the season from April to October. In the off-season, Köln-Düsseldorfer charters these premium ships to make its trade fair service possible. “The service offered depends on the demand. For large trade fairs, we can provide up to ten hotel ships,” explains the KD sales manager.

Floating hotel for your next trade fair

Stylish Event catering aboard

Hotel ship "Swiss Crystal"

“ ... on a hotel boat, you don’t need to travel home after the party ... passengers simply go straight to their cabin.”

Short party cruises

One brand new addition to the KD programme are the short party cruises, which will take place for the first time in November 2022. The hotel ship takes you from Düsseldorf to Amsterdam and back to Düsseldorf. “The short party cruise is the larger and more varied version of the popular party series on board the KD event boats. With one wonderful advantage: on a hotel ship, you don’t need to travel home after the party. To sleep, passengers simply go straight to their cabin. And they head to breakfast well rested the next morning. Guests can look forward to a fantastic mix of partying, culture, sightseeing and shopping on the cruise,” says Thomas Majer, who is responsible for sales in the Hotel Ships/Charter division at KD. The classic short party cruise includes two nights’ accommodation. In Amsterdam, guests have a whole day to explore the Dutch capital with its many museums, world-famous canals and special markets.


Düsseldorf- Amsterdam - Düsseldorf

“These short party cruises are also ideal for companies that want to offer their employees and customers something special. Especially after the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the days spent together on board the hotel ship can have a very positive effect on a team’s motivation. Associations and clubs whose members have not been able to celebrate together for a long time can also relax on board the KD, make new plans and simply let themselves be pampered for a few days,” says Marion Trapp. There are two dates for the short party cruises in November. Six dates for the Düsseldorf – Amsterdam – Düsseldorf trip are scheduled for February/March 2023. Up-to-date information on all trips can be found on the KD website at


Hotel ship "Oscar Wilde"

Suite aboard "Oscar Wilde"

Sightseeing in Amsterdam

Weekend trips
with KD Moment

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