

Here you can find the latest information about Köln-Düsseldorfer Deutsche Rheinschiffahrt GmbH to download.

KD Winter programme

You can download the current KD winter programme as a PDF file here.

KD winter program

Food and drinks menus

Below you can find our current food and drinks menus.
Please note that we have different menus for our ships.
Here you find our current ship movement list.

  • Food and drinks menu KD scheduled cruises
  • Food and drinks menu KD panorama cruises Cologne & Düsseldorf
  • Food and drinks menu KD evening panorama cruises Cologne & Düsseldorf
  • Food and drinks menu KD panorama cruises Frankfurt
  • Food and drinks menu KD panorama cruises Cochem
  • Food and drinks menu KD Loreley cruises MS RheinKrone

General Terms and Conditions

The General Terms and Conditions include the General Carriage and Price Regulations as well as supplementary terms and conditions for online sales.
You can download the General Terms and Conditions as a PDF file here:

General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions Charter Cruises

You can download the General Terms and Conditions for Charter cruises as a PDF file here:

General Terms and Conditions
Weekend trips
with KD Moment

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