
Tour Operators

Welcome to the KD Tour Operator services
All of the services in this area are targeted solely towards tour operators. If you are not a tour operator, the services presented here do not apply to you.

Tour operators can find out about the extensive KD programme in our brochure for tour operators entitled "Ship Tours and Special Offers", which is specially tailored to their requirements. All of the rates for tour operators listed in the brochure apply to groups of 10 people or more and are net prices, inclusive of VAT. The prices are only for the purpose of costing package trips. Download the brochure here. 

Of course, we would be happy to answer any questions you may have and we can also put together individual packages upon request.

Your Contact

Patrick Zimmer

Patrick Zimmer
Manager national Sales
Tel. +49 (0)221/2088-246
Fax +49 (0)221/2088-403
E-Mail: patrick.zimmer(at)

Tom Snaith

Tom Snaith
International Sales Manager
Tel. +49 (0)221/2088-406
E-Mail: tom.snaith(at)

Luisa Zimmermann

Luisa Zimmermann
International Sales Manager
Tel. +49 (0)221/2088-405
E-Mail: luisa.zimmermann(at)

Weekend trips
with KD Moment

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