

Interesting background report and the latest news – you can find everything related to the construction progress of our event liner here.

Live videos, photo shows and impressions of our on-board reporter on location can be found on our Facebook and Instagram channel.


Contract signing

The day has come! The KD management and the Dutch shipyard De Hoop sign the order for the construction of KD's new event ship.


March 2019
1. Shipyard visit

The KD team agree on the colour scheme of the interior design with designer René van der Velden.


April 2019
2. Shipyard visit

Optimisation of the individual deck layouts and function rooms.


May 2019
Design-Meeting in Köln

Important details, such as the arrangement of the open-air deck and the tint of the window glass, are decided.


June 2019
Construction start

Welding work commences at the NMC shipyard in Nieuw-Lekkerland. The green light is given for construction of the hull.


July 2019

Off to the stars…  - the ship is given the illustrious name MS RheinGalaxie.


August 2019
The first sections are joined

The first sections are joined together at the NMC shipyard. The hull grows.


September 2019
Construction Feature Wall

KD, the shipyard and the designer coordinate the construction of the "Feature Wall" in the lobby with integrated LED screens.


Oktober 2019
The hull is growing

MS RheinGalaxie takes shape.


November 2019
Arrangement of the instruments

In a true to original model, the nautical-technical KD team and the shipyard coordinate the arrangement of the instruments.


December 2019
Animations of the interior

Model animations give a first insight into the new MS RheinGalaxie.



January 2020
Weekend trips
with KD Moment

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