

KD assumes responsibility and evaluates its business decisions on the basis of careful consideration of economic, ecological and social aspects. In this context, the following fields of action were identified as part of the materiality analysis. Concrete, measurable targets and corresponding measures will make us more resilient to regulatory, environmental and social changes.

Sustainable business model

We are determined to promote the sustainability of our business model. This includes the continuous development of a sustainable fleet and the expansion of shore power infrastructure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To assess our progress and efforts in the area of sustainability, we are currently undergoing a comprehensive ESG rating process. The integration of environmental responsibility and sustainable principles into operational processes reflects our deep commitment to responsible corporate governance.



We attach great importance to compliance and strict adherence to legal standards. The success of Köln-Düsseldorfer Deutsche Rheinschiffahrt GmbH depends on the actions of every individual in our company. We follow a clear code of conduct to ensure that all activities are in line with our values, applicable laws and regulations. Our employees undergo regular training to develop an in-depth understanding of compliance requirements and obligations. An internal whistleblower system encourages proactive reporting of possible violations of compliance guidelines, which contributes to a transparent and ethical corporate culture. We strengthen the compliance structures in sustainability management by assigning clear responsibilities along the key topics. This involves redefining responsibilities with regard to environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics in order to ensure the effective and holistic integration of sustainability aspects into all business processes.


Data security

Data security

Köln-Düsseldorfer Deutsche Rheinschiffahrt GmbH sets high standards in terms of data security. With a data security officer, a clear data protection policy and continuous efforts to increase information security, we ensure the protection of sensitive information of our guests and our business partners. In addition, we offer our employees training on data security in order to raise awareness of the importance of secure data handling and to ensure the best possible protection.


Supplier relationships

We value good cooperation with our suppliers and therefore maintain sustainable relationships, especially with local partners. We divide our suppliers into two groups: Suppliers for the technical-nautical area and for the catering area. Wherever possible, we commission local suppliers for both areas. We have implemented clear purchasing criteria and a Supplier Code of Conduct. Through these measures, we promote sustainable procurement and contribute to strengthening our regional economy.


Weekend trips
with KD Moment

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