
Murder mystery dinners and other delicacies

Crime stories, cabaret and culinary delights: the event cruises on board the Köln-Düsseldorfer Deutsche Rheinschiffahrt leave nothing to be desired. The varied programme for Düsseldorf and Cologne promises first-class entertainment. Passengers are invited to marvel, laugh, cheer, guess along, join in, listen and be amazed.

Event cruises in Cologne: "Cuisine Meets Poetry"

The culinary readings with Dietmar Bär are a literary delight in a class of their own. The actor is known throughout Germany for his role as inspector Freddy Schenk in the Cologne-based show “Tatort” (Crime Scene). He enjoys reading exciting and inspiring stories at least as much as scripts and case files. On the KD evening cruise, the bookworm will present passages from one of his favourite books – most likely a crime is involved. Under the title “Kulinarik trifft auf Poesie” (Cuisine Meets Poetry) there will be a three-course meal from the murderously good KD galley, alongside the reading spiced with charm, wit and suspense.

Alcohol stories

Singer, actor and reciter Gerd Köster has given his reading the simple yet meaningful name “Dieser Durst...” (This Thirst ...). He recites stories about alcohol. These are literary stories like the autobiographical text “John Barleycorn” by Jack London. Köster talks about Amélie Nothomb and her book “Pétronille” on the art of drinking  champagne. Alcohol and its consequences are the subject of Mikael Niemi’s work “To cook a bear”. And of course, the show wouldn’t be complete without Flann O’Brien’s one-act play “Thirst”. The merry, thought-provoking reading will be accompanied by a three-course meal. With a welcome glass of sparkling wine, of course.

"Die Ursache liegt in der Zukunft" (The Cause Lies in the Future)

What is holding the world together? Cabaret artist Jürgen Becker doesn’t know either, but he does have answers. “The Cause Lies in the Future” is the name of his latest show. He reminds us that capitalism is based on infinite growth. It can’t carry on like this. An epoch-making, angry storm front is on its way. No problem. Jürgen Becker develops the optimal optimism without opiates and brings us all under his warm blanket. With his inimitable humour, he emboldens himself and his audience. Everything will be fine, because something can still be done. On board the KD with a cultural dinner featuring a typical Rhineland three-course meal in any case. 

Comedy-Show Punchline

Take a very cheerful host, half a dozen well-known comedians and newcomers to the scene: the Comedy Show Punchline is ready. Host Mel Jamini presents the show with pizazz and passion. And who knows: perhaps the rising star in the comedy sky will be discovered on board the KD.

“On board the KD with a cultural dinner featuring a typical Rhineland three-course meal in any case.”

"Nightwash live"

The iconic show “Nightwash live” promises comedy in a class of its own. It has been the most successful live comedy show in the German- speaking world for years. The format is a classic, yet still fresh as a daisy. Popular comediansband newcomers perform stand-up comedy and deliver top-class entertainment. “Nightwash live” was the springboard to fame for many top artists. Comedians such as Mario Barth, Carolin Kebekus and Chris Tall made their first appearances on “Nightwash live”. Every show is unique, always different, always surprising and always inspiring.


Jürgen Becker

Enjoyable events

Konrad Beikircher

Event cruises in Düsseldorf: Tricky cases at a murder mystery dinner

Dark secrets, legacy hunters and lots of suspects who may be innocent. But who knows? Not even Chief Inspector Bourke. After all, at first it was thought that he did it. Luckily, he doesn’t have to track down the truth on his own. At the murder mystery dinner “Mord an der Angel” (Murder on the Hook) he can count on help from passengers on board the MS RheinGalaxie. Audience support is also imperative in the episode “Der Geburtstag des Grauens” (Birthday of Horror). Lady Cora is turning 30, but she’s not really in the mood to celebrate. Something creepy is going on at Darwood Castle. In addition to a deceased uncle, a closed will and several mysterious deaths, a riding horse named “Satan” also plays a role. Family members who are not assassinated end up in a mental institution. Cora wants neither one nor the other. Welcome to the Ashtonburrys. Because investigating can give you an appetite, a three-course murder mystery dinner is served up on board the KD on each of the evenings.

Rilke for the heart and mind

“Zwischen den Sternen” (Between the Stars)  is the title of this special evening for the heart and mind. Actor, musician and guitarist Oliver Steller devotes himself to the life and work of poet Rainer Maria Rilke in an inimitable way. In word and song, he manages to combine German poetry with self-composed music. Together with his colleagues Bernd Winterschladen (saxophone) and Dietmar Fuhr (double bass), he carefully approaches the eminent poet of literary modernism. The exquisite panoramic view of Düsseldorf ’s Medienhafen port provides the perfect backdrop for this highly recommended evening on board the KD event boat. In addition to the stage programme, a three-course meal awaits the guests.


All Dates at a Glance


  • 18.09.2022 „Dieser Durst …“ Lesung mit Gerd Köster
  • 02.10.2022 Comedy Show Punchline
  • 16.10.2022 Nightwash live
  • 06.11.2022 Die Glühwürmchen aus Papa Joe's
  • 27.11.2022 „Das rheinische Universum“ mit Konrad Beikircher
  • 04.12.2022 Kulinarische Lesung mit Dietmar Bär
  • 11.12.2022 „Die Ursache liegt in der Zukunft“ mit Jürgen Becker


  • 16.10.2022 Krimidinner „Geburtstag des Grauens“
  • 27.11.2022 Krimidinner „Mord an der Angel“
  • 11.12.2022 „Zwischen den Sternen“ mit Oliver Steller
Weekend trips
with KD Moment

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