
Fathers' Day Tour

Calling all fathers:  cast off for a great Fathers' Day cruise with DJ

Our Fathers' Day cruise has all the ingredients that fathers need to party and have fun. There is music and disco feeling on all decks, while our captain steers the ship from Cologne Old Town upstream to Bonn and later downstream to Leverkusen. So there's plenty to see and hear and without a doubt everyone will get their money's worth!  

Program | 29.05.2025

  • Cruise around Cologne
  • 10:30 Boarding
  • 11:30 Departure
  • 18:00 Return
  • 18:00 End of Event
  • KD event ship MS RheinMagie
  • incl. Welcome Drink
  • KD`s DJ
  • Charts, Evergreens
  • Ticket price € 49

Map of Cologne

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