
End of season cruise

Time to say goodbye! KD bows out for the winter break, but before the ships go into their winter quarters, we should like to celebrate with you the end of another successful season.

Although KD is present on the Rhine and Main in the autumn and winter months with selected programmes on special days, our general timetable takes a break between the end of October and Easter. But before that happens we should like to celebrate with you all the little pleasures which a KD cruise can bring: the sight of the beauty of the Rhine, a delicious lunch buffet and great live music. All this and a welcome drink is included in the price of your ticket for our end of season cruise.

Program | 26.10.2025

  • Cruise from/to Cologne Old Town
  • 12:00 Boarding
  • 13:00 Departure
  • 17:00 Return
  • 18:00 End of Event
  • Cruise
  • Event ship 
  • Live-Music
  • Served appetizer & lunch buffet
  • Ticket price € 56

Map of Cologne

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to help you!

Service Centre

Tel. +49 (0)221/2088-318
Fax +49 (0)221/2088-345


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