
Bella Italia

Summer party on the Rhine
The chilled out party day with Mediterranean summer flair

Enjoy a laid back afternoon and evening on the Rhine to Italian & Latin American songs as well as popular summer hits. Savour the end of the weekend on board to Italo beats, reggaeton and the hottest chart bangers.

Program | 22.06.2025 (Düsseldorf), 31.08.2025 (Cologne)

  • KD party cruise from/to Düsseldorf
  • KD landing stage Düsseldorf-Burgplatz
  • 18:30 Boarding
  • 19:30 Departure
  • 22:30 Return
  • 23:30 End of Event
  • KD Partyschiff
  • DJs der KD
  • Latino Beats, Reggaeton, Dancehall, Black Beats, Charts
  • In good weather party on the free deck
  • Ticket price: 34 €
  • Drinks & snacks à la carte

Party photos

Captured in the right light! Our on-board photographer accompanies every party on board and always captures the event and the guests in the right light. Are you looking for your own photo? We also put all of the photos on facebook.

Party photos

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Service Centre

Tel. +49 (0)221/2088-318
Fax +49 (0)221/2088-345


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Weekend trips
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