
Company functions

The flexible KD fleet contains exactly the right vessel for every company function as well as a relevant charter offer. By the way, we recommend chartering a whole ship for as few as 65 participants. That is no more expensive than many venues on land - but it is much more impressive.

10 years, 25 years, 50 years: there are many numbers which offer an opportunity to entertain employees, customers, or friends. A look back at times spent together, memories, successes, and everything in an exceptional atmosphere on board ship. With regard to incentives you can score with emotional highlights away from everyday routine. Suit and tie can be left at home. Spark enthusiasm and reward all those who put so much effort into their work, motivate your employees. And the KD ships also offer an impressive setting for your Christmas party or New Year's reception. 

© KD Deutsche Rheinschiffahrt AG
© KD Deutsche Rheinschiffahrt AG

Your business event alreay up to € 139,00 per person.
Click here for more informations.
Weekend trips
with KD Moment

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